Disclaimer: This quote is based on a Lender's Full Extended Loan Policy in the amount shown above and includes only the listed endorsements. Western Title & Escrow Company assumes no liability or responsibility for inaccuracies resulting from changes to the loan product, endorsements, or policy liability amount. Please check the quote carefully to verify the loan amount and requested endorsements are correct.
This quote is provided for a Residential refinance only. It is not intended to be used for Commercial transactions.
*Western Title & Escrow Company, in accordance with the new CFPB TRID Rules, discloses the Lender's Title Insurance premium at the full extended rate rather than the discounted simultaneous rate, when issued with the Owner's Policy in a sale transaction. If the lender charges the Seller for the Owner's Title Policy as is customary in Oregon, refer to the Simultaneous Issue Adjustment shown in the table below.
**The recording fees quoted include a first page increase of $40.00 for all Oregon counties effective June 4, 2018.
This quote is provided for a Residential sale only. It is not intended to be used for Commercial transactions.